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【组图】分享||当成都话遇上英语咋个办?(二)时间:2016-01-11 17:58:37来源:成都社区教育 原标题:分享||当成都话遇上英语咋个办?(二)
When Chengdu Dialect Encounters English 有些土话, 只有成都人才能随意自选搭配; Some local expressions can only be randomly made by Chengduese 有些发音, 只有成都人才能闭到眼认出来; Some words can only be well pronounced by Chengduese 有些情绪, 只有成都人才能说得恰到好处。 Some emotions can only be appropriately expressed by Chengduese 然而 当“霸气”的成都话遇上“洋气”的英语,会是怎样一幅情景? However, what happens when such a “local” language meets the very “foreign” English?
斢(tiǎo)斢,动词。在成都方言中,一般是指把东西调换、对换或翻转的意思。 (英文部分) The verb “斢(tiǎo)” in Chengdu dialect refers to exchanging, swapping something or turning something over.
例1:你要我的铅笔?拿橡皮来斢撒! Example 1: You want my pencil? Use your eraser to tiǎo (exchange) for it. 例2:请你们把位置斢一下。 Example 2: Please tiǎo (swap) your seats. 噘juē(方言jué)噘 (juē or jué)噘,动词。在成都方言就是批评、训斥和骂人的意思。 (英文部分) The verb “噘”, pronouncing juē in standard Mandarin but jué in Chengdu dialect, means criticizing or cursing somebody.
例1:这妹纸蛮爱噘人。 Example 1: The girl likes to jué (curse) others. 例2:这件事你做的不对,长辈噘你的时候要认真接受。 Example 2: You should accept if your parents jué (criticize) you as you did this wrong indeed. 滗bì(方言bié)滗(bì or bié)滗,动词。成都话里是指挡住渣滓或泡着的东西,将液体轻轻倒出。 (英文部分) The verb “滗”, pronouncing bì in standard Mandarin but bié in Chengdu dialect, means gently pouring liquid out while keeping scum or other things in.
例1:锅里的汤太多了,滗掉点,要潽出来了。 Example 1: There’s too much soup in the pan, bì (pour) some out or it will spill over. 例2:你滗点米汤给我喝撒! Example 2: Bì (pour) some rice soup for me to drink. 驮(tuó)驮,动词,用背负载。在成都话就是背的意思。 (英文部分) The verb “驮(tuó)” means bearing weight on the back. In Chengdu dialect, it means carrying something on the back.
例1:我走不动了,你驮我一下嘛。 Example 1: I am too tired, would you please tuó me (carry me on the back) home? 例2:妈妈驮不动你了,自己下来走! Example 2: Mum is too tired to tuó you (carry you on the back). Shall I put you down? 更多英文川话教程,请点击下方“阅读原文” 老外学中文,上成都华文学习在线 。 网纳城乡 育达终身欢迎关注 成都社区教育回复关键词“市民课堂” 即可获取更多活动信息微信号:cdsqjy 喜欢的朋友,请点赞吧!↓↓ 本文相关推荐 |
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