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http://www.kmguol.com    2015-10-20 18:56     昆明国旅     字体:

淘豆网网友zhangbing32159近日为您收集整理了关于全球变暖将使喀斯喀特山雪水储量下降56%的文档,希望对您的工作和学习有所帮助。以下是文档介绍:全球变暖将使喀斯喀特山雪水储量下降56% 海量资料下载免费学习英语 lw.htm (申请网址)洛基国际英语竭诚为您服务A new report projects that by the middle of this century there will be an average 56 percentdrop in the amount of water stored in peak snowpack in the McKenzie River watershed(流域,分水岭) of the Oregon Cascade Range -- and that similar impacts may be found onlow-elevation maritime snow packs around the world. The findings by scientists at OregonState University, which are based on a projected 3.6 degree Fahrenheit temperatureincrease, highli(来源:淘豆网[])ght the special risks facing many low-elevation, mountainous regions wheresnow often falls near the freezing point. In such areas, changing from snow to rain onlyrequires a very modest rise in temperature.As in Oregon, which depends on Cascade Range winter snowpack for much of the water inthe populous Willamette Valley, there may be significant impacts on ecosystems,agriculture, hydropower, industry, municipalities and recreation, especially in sum(来源:淘豆网[])merwhen water demands peak.The latest study was one of the most precise of its type done on an entire watershed, andwas just published in Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, with support from the NationalScience Foundation. It makes it clear that new choices ing for western Oregon andother regions like it."In Oregon we have a water-rich environment, but even here we will have to manage ourwater resources differently in the future," said (来源:淘豆网[])Eric Sproles, who led this study as a doctoralstudent at OSU."In the Willamette River, for instance, between 60-80 percent of summer stream es from seasonal snow above 4,000 feet," he said. "As more precipitation falls as rain,there will more chance of winter flooding as well as summer drought in the same season.More than 70 percent of Oregon's population lives in the Willamette Valley, with theeconomy and ecosystems depending he(来源:淘豆网[])avily on this river."Annual precipitation in the future may be either higher or lower, the OSU researchers said.They did calculations for precipitation changes that could range 10 percent in eitherdirection, although change of that magnitude is not anticipated by most climate models.The study made clear, so far as snowpack goes, that temperature is the driving force, farmore than precipitation. Even the highest levels of anticipated precipitat(来源:淘豆网[])ion had almost noimpact on snow-water storage, they said."This is not an issue that will just affect Oregon," said Anne Nolin, a professor in the College海量资料下载免费学习英语 lw.htm (申请网址)洛基国际英语竭诚为您服务of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, and co-author of the study. "You may seesimilar impacts almost anywhere around the world that has low-elevation snow inmountains, such as in Japan, New Zealand, Northern California, the Andes Mountains, a lotof Eastern Europe and the lower-elevation Alps."“成千上万人疯狂下载。。。。。。更多价值连城的绝密英语学习资料,洛基内部秘密英语,技巧,策略请在网上申请报名”播放器加载中,请稍候...
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