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Recommend Activities

http://www.kmguol.com    2015-10-23 19:52     昆明国旅     字体:

Giant Panda Park Tour As Grade I animal under national protection, the giant panda is a famous rare species of animal exclusively growing in China. From 22nd Jan 2013, you may enjoy the fame of "National Treasure" in Deqing, which is only 40mins from Shambhala. it has been winning the favor of people with its plump body form, charmingly nave motion as well as black and white fur color. Click here for more details. 2013年1月22日下午,一对大熊猫从四川省雅安市中国保护大熊猫研究中心碧峰峡基地飞越两千多公里来到下渚湖,成为德清动物界的“新居民”。为了让大熊猫住得舒适,德清的熊猫园从设计到建成,共历时一年半,整个熊猫园项目占地18亩,总投入1000多万元。熊猫园主馆采用了白墙黑瓦的建造风格,黑白两种色调象征熊猫的体色,与下渚湖湿地古朴简约的风格一致。不施粉黛的主体建筑,与郁郁葱葱的植被相互掩映,在山顶整个下渚湖美景尽收眼底,就像一幅优雅的水墨画。下渚湖国家湿地公园一定会成为大熊猫“德德”、“清清”快乐的新家。点击查看下渚湖熊猫公园之旅。

National Parks Sightseeing Tour Tired of the hassle bustle in Shanghai? You won't be regret to take this run away trip to the natural and peaceful paradise of Xiazhu Lake Wetland and Moganshan Mountain for the fresh air and the beautiful view of lake, birds, bamboo forest and waterfall, stay overnight in one of Shambhala bungalow in Moganshan and have a BBQ party in the night! Click here for more details. 莫干山风景区是国家级风景名胜区,著名的江南避暑胜地。莫干山山峦起伏,风景秀丽多姿,以绿荫如海的修竹、清澈不竭的山泉、星罗棋布的万国别墅等迷人风光玉立于江南,有着"江南第一山"的美誉。下渚湖国家湿地公园从2004年5月1日开放迎客,经过近年的发展,已成为闻名遐迩的浙北原生态湿地。泛舟下渚湖面,水天一色,烟波浩渺。不时有水鸟掠过水面,其丰富的动植物在下渚湖这个生态湿地繁衍生息,生机勃勃。一座山,一面湖,下渚湖与莫干山正在同时谱写德清山水的神韵。点击查看莫干山与下渚湖国家公园之旅。

Tea & Fruit Picking From ancient times, Chinese people believed that the practice of tea culture can bring the spirit and wisdom of human beings to a higher orbit. On Shambhala tea trip, our guide will bring you into mist-capped plantations in Mogan Mountains to experience the ancient cultural, to pick and roast your own, while taste the famed famous Moganshan Green Tea.
Let's enjoy the fun of fruit picking while experience the pureness, the freshness and the green that can be found in Moganshan. Take a stroll through the orchards and fields; enjoy the scenery and romantic atmosphere, while picking your favorite fruits by hands, Click here for more details. 真正产自山顶的莫干黄芽纯手工制成,年产量只有两三千斤,从清明开始,莫干山茶可以采三茬,直到九月。只有第一茬可以制一等黄芽,四月底正好是第一茬末尾,是品茶的好时候。莫干山摘果之乐由每年的六月中旬开始,至十月下旬止莫干山果园盛产橘子、桃子、梨子、杨梅、板栗、葡萄……点击查看香巴拉采收之旅。

Fishing & River Drifting Busy? How often do you answer, "Yes!" but you want to make time for the children in your life? One way to do that, and connect with the natural world at the same time, is through fishing. Or, otherwise, make this summer a little more stimulating hot, fun and cool, can participate in the river drifting tour on the air cushion vessels; an adventurer to experience the thrills and excitement, Click here for more details. 悠闲的周末假期,来到莫干山。拿起钓竿,宁静且四面环山的水库,宽广的山泉水下饲养著不同种类的鱼儿,让您体验钓鱼乐趣,还能同时享受田园的恬静生活。迎面吹来微风,带来竹林清新的芬芳,Shambhala 是一處享受钓鱼乐的好地方,也是與家人朋友相聚的好去处。又,如果您期待刺激!期待惊险!期待与自然的搏斗!期待"有惊无险"后的轻松!也可选择乘着橡皮艇顺流而下。天高水长,阳光普照,四面青山环绕,漂流其间。点击查看香巴拉钓鱼乐和漂流趣之旅。

Yoga & Tai-ChiWhether you've been doing yoga (or Taichi) for years or began recently, our Yoga & Tai-Chi Trip vacation package offers a healthy transformational experience in Moganshan. Shambhala is centrally located to give you proximity several yoga studios, delicious food, lots of nearby and great company - for a run-away weekend that you'll always remember, Click here for more details. 瑜伽和太极在某些意义上是相通的。如果说瑜伽是一种静态的美,那么太极就是一种平衡和谐的美。太极和瑜伽都崇尚与自然达到和谐、统一,都强调身心灵一致与协调;太极的"用意不用力",瑜伽的"控制心智与情感",都强调了意识与思维的重要性。静修概念来源于英文的 Retreat 及梵文中的 Ashram,最近几十年以来从欧美开始在世界各地逐渐风行,成为城市瑜伽馆以外更加贴近自然、贴近生活、让人在身心灵各个层面有更多的机会得到平衡、放松和提升的最佳场所。点击查看香巴拉静修瑜伽和太极之旅。

Hiking & CyclingHiking & Cycling through the refreshing bamboo sea, & ride from the mountain to lake. Let's enjoy the beautiful landscape on the one of famous mountains near Shanghai!! It will be a special experience at Moganshan. This route always recommended for those who have interests in stunning views, fresh air, and relaxing weekends, Click here for more details. 莫干山海拔758米,为江南名山,风景秀丽。有数百幢历史别墅,掩映在竹林绿荫之中,非常清幽被称为"世界建筑博物馆"。香巴拉度假屋位于莫干山国家公园山腰处,步行约40分钟即可进入国家公园内,亦可使用香巴拉自行车游山玩水。点击查看香巴拉人文徒步及单车骑游之旅。

Painting, Calligraphy & Celadon Open in 2012, Deqing Celadon Research &Development Experience Hall has bought to Moganshan Area, a great studio for artistic creation of Celadon (Porcelain). The studio provides full equipments & experienced tutors by R&B Team; visitors may innovate &develop excellent celadon works.
SHAMBHALA Artist Club established in 2012, while offering special packages & discounts for our members to enjoy a longer period of stays. We provide tool rentals for creation with Acrylic Painting & Calligraphy, & we sincerely invite you to join us for the love of Art (FREE Membership Registration for 2012)!! Click here for more details. 香巴拉度假屋由专业设计师建造,力求让身为专业艺术创作者的您,亦能在此找到一份有品质的、远离城箫的宁静。 我们提供压克力画具及文房四宝租借,并竭诚邀请您加入我们,成为香巴拉艺术会所的成员(2012年度免会员费),享受专属优惠。点击查看香巴拉艺术创作之旅。




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